
Tangzhong, or water-roux, was made popular in Japan and has since been adopted by Taiwanese bakers and others in Asia. In theory it makes the bread softer and fluffier and stays fresh longer. Not so sure.

This is, essentially, hot library paste. Yum.


  • 2 oz (50 g) bread flour
  • 10 oz (250 g) water


  1. In a heavy saucepan add the flour to the water and stir to combine.
  2. Turn the heat on to low and keep stirring until the mixture becomes paste-like.
  3. Using a thermometer, remove from heat once it reaches 149°F (65°C).
  4. Transfer the paste to a metal or ceramic bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and cool to room temperature or refrigerate.

That’s it. Posting this because I made recipe that required some of this goop.