Roasted Beets

Have I mentioned that websites that are virtually unusable because of the ads and popups annoy me? Well, they do. I am unashamedly stealing this, with adaptations, from one of those.

Roasted beets are great if you want to pickle them. Can you guess what recipe I’ll be posting next?

Roasted Beets

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Cooling20 minutes


  • Rubber gloves
  • Sheet pan
  • Aluminum Foil


  • 4 medium sized beets, all similar in size


  • Preheat oven to 400°F.
  • Line a sheet pan in foil. You'll thank me for this.
  • If there are tops cut off but leave a bit as a handle to hold.
  • Clean beets but don't dry.
  • Wrap each beet loosely but completely in foil. You want an airtight envelope so that they can steam while roasting.
  • Put all beets on the lined sheet-pan and put into the oven until tender; should take about an hour but you might want to check after 45 minutes or so depending on your oven and the size of the beets.
  • Let cool for 15 minutes then trim the stems and root ends.
  • Using a paper towel or gloves rub the skins off. If they don't rub off, may have to use a vegetable peeler.
  • Quarter, slice, or cube for whatever you're using them for.


Roasted Beets
Roasted Beets, After peeling
Roasted Beets, After Slicing
Roasted Beets, After Slicing