Crusty French Rolls
Needed something to make garlic-rolls to serve with some pasta, so…....
Restoring Dried Starter
If you’re trying to restore your starter from a backup, or someone gave you some of their dried starter, here’s the steps to restore it and make it your own. First of all, weigh it. You need to know how much dried starter you’ve got. For the sake of...
Discard French Bread
If you make sourdough, sooner or later your starter will be out of control and you’ll be looking for things to do with it. I found a French Bread recipe and decided to see if I could incorporate a starter. Photos coming soon....
Spicy Fennel Bread
A version of this on another website was way too wet — one problem of measuring by volume, not by weight, and me using weight....
Pita Bread
Fun fact: In England it’s spelled Pitta Bread and pronounced accordingly — it’s “pit – tah.” In the US I’ve always heard it as “pea – tah.” I learned this watching the Great British Baking Show. And then I decided to try my hand at making it....