Roasted Garlic Cloves

I roast whole heads of garlic all the time to serve with bread and baked brie, but I needed just some cloves to make a focaccia, so…....

Asian Baked Chicken

Don’t believe everything you read in books — you can cook chicken that isn’t dry....

Sous Vide Tri Tip

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with Tri Tip. I find it flavorful but hard to cook evenly. So I thought I’d try sous vide. Sous Vide Cooker If you’re curious, I use the Wancle Sous Vide Cooker — I know Anova seems to be the “go to” and...

Bread Pans

I made a really dumb mistake earlier. A recipe I was making called for using a 8.5″ x 4.5″ loaf pan. I grabbed my 9″ x 5″ loaf pan. I only realized my error when I was waiting for it to rise and it was nowhere near the top...