Wonton Cups
These are great cups to use with a variety of things. Great delivery system. Can be spiced up, toned down, probably even made sweet with a dusting of sugar or brown sugar before baking. Will feature in another recipe soon....
So Someone Gave You Some Sourdough Starter
I get asked for starter a fair bit since I’ve had mine going for a couple of years now. Five? I think five. So you got some from me or from someone else. Great! Now what? Step One: Naming Your Starter Every starter must have a name. “Starter” is...
Hoagie Rolls
Trying to make hoagie rolls for sandwiches....
My Sourdough Experiment
Instead of a boule baked in a dutch oven, I wanted a recipe that used starter and not yeast and could be baked in loaf pans. (A lot of the ones I’ve seen for loaf pans use discard starter and added yeast.) This is the result after fooling around...
Discard Sandwich Sourdough
Rather than using your starter as a yeast, adds yeast and uses “non active” starter mainly for flavor. If you want to use active starter, eliminate the yeast and probably increase the initial rising time to 8+ hours and 1-2 hours for the after formed rising time. Photos...