A recipe for tangzhong, a water-roux starter-type item used in Japanese baking....
Food Temperature
Disclaimer: I’m not a food scientist. I’m not a scientist. I don’t even play one on TV (and if you get that reference, you’re old like me). Cook your food however your like and however you feel safe with, but if you want to stop making your food dry...
Grill Maintenance
I like grilling. I need to do it more often. I even live in a place where I could grill pretty much all year so I really don’t have any excuse. Well, except I was behind on keeping the grills up. I’ve got two grills — a large one...
Chef Ben’s Dry Rub For Everything
Chef Ben Davis, former owner of the Passionate Palate Cooking School, taught me a lot. This was a rub that we made in large batches one time and given out to potential customers; I’ve adapted it to a smaller quantity. Excellent on almost every meat I’ve tried it on....