Tag: dessert

Homemade Marshmallows

You may think they wouldn’t be all that different than store-bought, but you’d be wrong. These are the type of thing that you betted have a use for — or someone to give them to — lest you leave them around and eat yourself sick. Pictures Soon...

Orange Bars

We’ve got a couple of orange trees that about every other year yield a metric shit-ton of oranges. This is one such year....

Basic Macarons

Okay, this uses a French Meringue not the traditional Italian Meringue you’re supposed to use for Macarons. (Why a French cookie should be made with an Italian, rather than French, meringue is beyond my level of comprehension.) A pretty easy recipe, although every Macaron recipe I’ve read uses the...


I needed a buttercream recipe for macarons and found that most of the recipes I found (a) made way too much for what I needed and (b) were on sites with way too much bullshit. Say no to the sites with way too much bullshit....

Choco-Lava Cookies

The original source for this has been lost in a move or two. A friend from Calgary sent us a cookbook from a local cookbook author if I recall correctly. All cookies. I know we made a few different types but these were a real hit. Someone saw these...