Tag: starter

Starter Care And Feeding

Some sourdough bakers seem to think they’re chemists. And, okay, in a way, they are. But maintaining your starter is not rocket surgery. I have a jar in the refrigerator with Zaphod — my starter’s name — in it. When I need to use some, I figure out how...

Seeded Sourdough

Poked around a bit and came up with this from other ideas. This is my go-to sourdough with some seeds added for crunch and flavor. Pictures soon....

Sourdough Ciabatta

Not gonna lie to you — this is hard to work with. Have a mixer. Have some bench scrapers. Have some flour. Have some patience. But delicious and well worth the pain and suffering. Tools Kneading and Shaping I like this plastic bowl-scraper / bench-knife for doing my stretches...

Making a Backup of your Starter

Shit happens. You don’t mean to kill your starter, but shit happens. So be prepared. Drying Out Your Starter I’m sure there are lots of ways to do this but my method is to take a bit of parchment paper and a pastry brush, brush a little starter on...

Discard French Bread

If you make sourdough, sooner or later your starter will be out of control and you’ll be looking for things to do with it. I found a French Bread recipe and decided to see if I could incorporate a starter. Photos coming soon....