Potato Rosemary Sourdough

Rewriting this recipe because the site I found it on was virtually unusable with all the ads and commentary — and the amounts were way too much for personal use.



  • 115g ripe/fed sourdough starter
  • 175g warm water
  • 120g bread flour (or 115g all purpose flour and 5g vital wheat gluten)
  • 1/2 cup plain mashed potatoes (I make instant)


  • 90g warm water
  • 5g salt
  • 1/4 cup melted butter or olive oil
  • 60g sugar (optional, depending on the vigor of your starter)
  • 2-3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • 360g – 480g all purpose flour


  1. Mix the ingredients in the levain well, cover, and let sit at room temperature overnight. In the morning it should be light and bubbly and frothy.
  2. Add the 90g dough water, 5g salt, butter/oil, sugar, and rosemary.
  3. Add 240g of the flour.
  4. Using a stand mixer or mixing by hand add the rest of the flour until a soft, pliable, but not quite sticky dough forms.
  5. Place dough in a greased bowl, turn to coat, cover with plastic wrap, and put in a warm place for up to 2 hours or until double.
  6. Place dough on a lightly floured surface and divide in two.
  7. Cover and let rest for 10-20 minutes.
  8. Form into loaves and placed on greased or parchment-lined baking sheet.
  9. Cover with oiled plastic wrap and let rise until doubled.
  10. Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C) convection
  11. Put a pan with ice cubes or water on the lowest rack.
  12. With a sharp knife make 3 or 4 slashes on each loaf and spray with water.
  13. Bake for 30 minutes.
  14. Turn around and bake another 30 minutes until internal temperature of the loaves is 190°F (90°C)
  15. Remove from pan, turn off oven, and return loaves to oven rack with door ajar.
  16. Let cool completely before slicing.


Holy shit the original site I found this on was awful. I understand wanting to make money but when there’s so many ads that you can’t do anything without accidentally clicking on one….

Also, the original for this called for 6-8 cups of flour in the dough and then only dividing in half. I divided in 3 and still had issues getting all of the loaves on a half-sheet pan. (Maybe I should’ve used loaf pans.)

Next time I’m going to try using olive oil instead of butter.

Also, I noted that the sugar is optional. That’s because I forgot to add it. And good thing, too — this rose very quickly without the added sugar.


I may have let it rise a little too long.
A Lot
Loaves from Original Recipe 2x
Good Loaf
Nice and fluffy. Loaf pans may have done better.