Loaded Focaccia
This is a great thing to bring to a party or make for your own party or even just make and sit on the couch eating. Wait…over-sharing. Photos...
Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread
I found a version of this in a cookbook where someone had obviously made a typo as the hydration was like 78% instead of a more moderate and easy-to-work with 68%. So I adjusted. Also, rising times in the book you would’ve had way overproofed dough....
French Bread
Trying to come up with a good recipe for good French Bread using my French Bread pan. This turned out…okay. Need to tweak a little....
Sourdough English Muffins
Okay, maybe they’re crumpets. This is a test. Changes coming, I’m sure....
True Hydration
Sourdough geeks will tell you the hydration percentage of their dough. This is the percentage of water to flour. Typically a dough that uses 400 grams of water and 600 grams of flour would be called a 67% hydration dough. 400 / 600 = 66.6667. However, being geeky, I...